Electrical Accreditation Training Lyon and Paris

Your electrical accreditation training organization in Lyon and Paris

All of France Intra (in your premises)

A Lyon-based training organization with Qualiopi certification, we carry out inter-company electrical accreditation training sessions in Lyon and Paris. However, our trainers cover the national territory, so we carry out electrical accreditation training sessions on request in your premises throughout France.

A few reasons to train with us:

Before any electrical accreditation training, we guide our customers in the choice of accreditation titles for their employees.
Training is offered to you to understand the framework of the NFC18-510, thus allowing you to know the differences between the titles and to select the electrical accreditation fitting the activities of the employees.

Our trainers systematically analyze the activity of the trainees in order to adapt the content of the training, both the theoretical and practical part. In addition, we offer an analysis of the situation upstream of the training, so that the latter precisely targets your areas of work.

No need to make NFC 18-510 your bedside book… We have dissected it to extract the basic principles of electrical safety. The technical background of our trainers combined with their active teaching skills allows the trainee to understand the logic behind each recommendation of the standard.

At Watt Else Training, we go straight to the point, thanks to reduced structural costs, we are able to offer you high-end French electrical accreditation training at the best price.

Our Lyon and Paris Electrical Accreditation Training Catalog (NFC 18-510)

Non-electrical operations

B0 H0V

B0 H0V Electrical Accreditation

Initial / Refresher: 1 Day - 7 h

For who?

This accreditation preparation training is intended for all personnel carrying out non-electrical operations near low or high voltage electrical hazards. Examples: painting work in an electrical room...
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BF HF Electrical Accreditation

Initial / Refresher: 1 Day - 7 h

For who?

Following amendment A1 of NFC 18-510 in 2020, BF-HF authorization has been put in place for your teams carrying out operations near buried conduits. 
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Our Lyon and Paris Electrical Accreditation Training Catalog (NFC 18-510)

Electrical operations

BS BE Operate

BS BE Operate Electrical Accreditation

Initial: 2 Days - 14hrs.
Refresher: 1.5 Days - 10.5 hrs

For who?

Intended for all non-electrical personnel carrying out basic electrical maneuvers or interventions.
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BP Electrical Accreditation

Initial: 2 Days - 14hrs.
Refresher: 1.5 Days - 10.5 hrs

For who?

Intended for all electrical personnel carrying out operations on photovoltaic panels. 
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Electrical Accreditation B2V BR BC

Initial: 3 Days - 21 hrs.
Refresher: 1.5 Days - 10.5 hrs

For who?

Intended for all electrician personnel carrying out electrical : troubleshooting, testing and/or work.
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BE Test

BE Test Electrical Accreditation

Initial: 3 Days - 21 hrs.
Refresher: 1.5 Days - 10.5 hrs

For who?

Intended for all electrical personnel carrying out operations on photovoltaic panels. 
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Our Lyon and Paris Electrical Accreditation Training Catalog (NFC 18-550)

Electric Vehicles and Machines

The authorization of your employees working on electric vehicles is framed by the NFC 18-550 standard.

Accreditation thresholds :

  • Continuous: rated voltage > 60 V
  • AC: rms voltage > 25 V
  • Batteries: capacity > 180 Ah


B0L electric vehicle certification

Initial / Refresher: 1 Day - 7 h

For who?

From the design office to the workshops, via testing, this training is intended for all personnel carrying out non-electrical interventions in the vicinity of batteries and/or electric and/or hybrid vehicles.
Course curriculum


Electric vehicle authorization B2VL BRL BCl BEL

Initial: 2 Days - 14hrs.
Refresher: 1.5 Days - 10.5 hrs

For who?

From the design office to the workshops, via testing, this training is intended for all personnel carrying out electrical work on an electric and/or hybrid vehicle.
Course curriculum

Find out more about electrical accreditation training:

Electricity has a central position in our lives today, yet it is one of the invisible dangers. In addition to the risk of electric shock or short circuit, statistics show that a high number of fires are caused by an electrical fault.

Along with the use of quality equipment, everyone's knowledge is a formidable weapon against electrical danger. This is why the accreditation does not only concern electrician personnel but everyone.

The "electrical accreditation" training is a prerequisite for the accreditation issued by the employer.

It allows trainees to:

  • Understand the logic of the electrical safety principles recommended by the standards in force.
  • Know how to carry out a risk analysis.
  • Put in place the appropriate means to protect yourself from electrical hazard.

The employer:

He analyzes the risks associated with the activities of his employees and provides them with a prescription booklet reminding them of the risks induced as part of their missions, in this case electrical risk. He trains or has his employees trained and issues them with the appropriate accreditations.

The accredited employee:

Knows how to identify the electrical hazard in situ and puts in place the appropriate means of prevention.

The trainer:

Provides the employee with additional theoretical and practical knowledge. Recommends to the employer a level of accreditation if the employee has achieved the objectives or suggests an upgrade if necessary.




After an initial training, the refresh of the electrical accreditation training is done every 3 years.

If the deadline is exceeded, a new initial session will have to be scheduled.

Find out more about our training:

In accordance with the standard in force, our trainers have significant field experience, in which they will have had the opportunity to put into practice the basic principles of electrical safety.

In addition, they all have the teaching skills allowing them, among other things, to transmit knowledge, manage a group, ensure the safety of the group during scenarios.

Whether electrical accreditation training is carried out intra or inter-company, we provide learners with a school site allowing them to put into practice the knowledge just exchanged by the trainer.

The content of the training is adapted to the real needs of the trainees, thus maximizing their involvement and the benefit.

Les formations à l’habilitation électrique proposées à Lyon et Paris aux adresses suivantes :

  • Lyon :

1 Rue Jules Serval, 69200 Vénissieux

  • Paris :

4 Rue des Cévennes, 94150 Rungis

  • In your premises:

Without geographical limits

Équipement utile :

Kit intervention électrique élémentaire

kit de protection – petite intervention – nfc18510 – catu kit-18510-bs/2 se compose de : gants isolants 1000v sous gants en coton écran facial vérificateur d’absence de tension condamnateur macaron de condamnation guide sécurité basse tension.

VAT (Vérificateur d'absence de tension)

Doté d´un design fin, le vérificateur d´absence de tension et de continuité compact Fluke T90 vous offre des résultats de tests rapides et adaptés à vos besoins. Des boutons ergonomiques et faciles à utiliser, des voyants LED rétro-éclairés, ainsi qu´un indicateur sonore clair permettent d’obtenir rapidement des résultats dans toutes les situations de travail. La conception des vérificateurs d´absence de tension et de continuité Fluke leur permet de s´adapter à votre mode de travail.

Écran facial EN166

Un champ de vision exceptionnel à 180°. Facile à monter avec sa coiffe et son serre-tête réglable en hauteur et en profondeur, Sphère s’adapte à toutes morphologies, pour toute utilisation. Protection chimique contre la projection de liquides et de gouttelettes de liquides. Protection contre les arcs électriques de court-circuit. Filtres de protection aux rayonnements ultra-violets.

Gants isolants EN 60903

Protection individuelle contre les chocs électriques lors de travaux sous tension 500 V. Ces gants en latex sont à utiliser avec des sur gants en cuir pour une protection mécanique. L’utilisation de sous-gants fins en coton est recommandée pour un meilleur confort et une bonne hygiène. Conforme à la EN 60903: 2003, équivalente à la IEC 60903: 2014 Gants isolants CEI 60903 de classe 00 (500 V AC 750 V DC). Equipement de Protection Individuelle catégorie III. Matière: latex naturel beige. De forme au plus près de la main pour assurer une bonne ergonomie et une bonne sensibilité. Catégorie AZC (résistance acide, ozone et très basses températures). Marquage des gants selon la IEC 60903. Notice d’utilisation. Gamme: Taille: 09. Catégorie AZC. Tension maxi 500 V a. c. 750 V d. c. Masse: 90 kg. Dimensions: 360 x 100 mm Epaisseur 1. 10 mm

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